Seminário: Rile Ristic (Departamento de Física/UFC, 27 de Setembro de 2013)


Local: Departamento de Física – UFC

Data: 27/09/2013 (sexta-feira)

Horário: 16 h

Integral Strain in Small Crystalline Particles and Its Influence on Their Growth and Quality

R.I. Ristic, Department of Chemical & Biological Department, University of Sheffield

The influence of integral strain on the growth rate of crystalline materials will be presented.  On the basis of the results, it is proposed that growth rate dispersion of secondary nuclei arises as a result of competition between stress reduction and dislocation enhancement of growth rates in the developing particles, with the former being the major influence at low particle sizes. The results are shown to account for the particle size and material dependence of the dispersion. Mechanistic studies suggest that the principal mechanism of stress reduction in growth rate is the influence of the applied stress induced by mechanical or electromagnetic energy on the surface free energy of the crystal. This affects both nucleation at the growth centre and the migration of growth steps across the crystal surface. A possible optimization of the strain content in microcrystals grown in batch crystallizer will be considered. Finally, the role of dislocations in habit modification of small particles will be briefly considered against widely accepted stereochemical recognition paradigm.
Vídeo do Seminário (parte 1)
Vídeo do Seminário (parte 2)

Written by

J.M. Sasaki (Doutor) É professor Titular do Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza/CE) desde 1995. Doutorado pelo Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" no ano de 1993 e desde 1996 vem utilizando o Método Rietveld na caracterização de materiais policristalinos. Atualmente trabalha na caracterização de cristais por difração de raios-X usando radiação síncrotron, teoria dinâmica da difração e na síntese de nanopartículas. Coordenador do Laboratório Multi-Usuários em Nanotecnologia/CNPq.

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